G DATA Business Solutions: Creating an installation package

Each installation package has a unique PackageID. If you need the IDs of your installation packages, these can be obtained by following these instructions.

This is how you create an installation package:

  1. Select the Client area in the object selection.

  2. In the main menu, select OrganisationManaged installation packages+.

  3. Enter the required values:

    • If clients have already been created in your G DATA Management Server, select the client for which the installation package is to be created.

      The client installed with it will then sort itself directly into its client in the object tree.

    • Select the operating system on which you want to use the installation package.

    • Select the language

    • Specify whether the client should be placed below a certain group in the G DATA Administrator object tree.

      (If the selection box is left blank, the client will remain in the group it is already in or (if not already in the object tree) a new entry will be created under the New clients group).

    • Specify where the G DATA Management Server is located.

      (Here you can use the name, an internal or external IP or a domain. You can permanently store the external IP/domain in the database if required).

    • Specify whether the validity of the installation package is to be limited.

      (Clients installed with an expired installation package must be authorised manually by an administrator).

  4. Click OK.

  5. The installation package can be copied to the desired directory after creation via the displayed link.