The local installation on Linux systems

The following guide explains how to perform a Linux installation locally


If you do not yet have an installation script (install package), create an install package with the client selection G DATA Security Client for Linux and copy it to your Linux system.


Make this file executable with the following command:

chmod +x /tmp/


Execute the installation script with the parameters required for your installation.

The command is:

/ -t "WS,SMB,AMAVIS,WEB" -c [Client-IP or Name] -s [MMS-Name] -r [MMS-Name]:80/gdata/mms/download/linux/repo

The following parameters need to be adjusted by you:

Parameter Description


Installation type:

WS is always specified. If no further specification is added, the script installs a G DATA Security Client for Linux.

If you add one of the following, the corresponding product will be installed:

  • SMB = G DATA Samba Plugin

  • AMAVIS = G DATA Linux Mail Security Gateway

  • WEB = G DATA Linux Web Security Gateway


Enter the name or the IP of the Linux system with which the system is to report to the G DATA Management Server.


Enter the Netbios name or IP of the G DATA Management Server here.

If you have changed the HTTPS port in the file the HTTPS port in the file config.xml, also enter your HTTPS port after the name or IP specification (example:


Path to the repositories

Only change the name or the IP of the G DATA Management Server. Take over the rest of the command like this.
Should problems occur during or after installation, you will find the necessary information in the log files (log files for Linux/Mac clients).