G DATA VPN for Android: Installation and activation

This article describes how to install and activate G DATA VPN on Android.

Operating System:




A guide with information on how G DATA VPN works can be found here.

Download the installation file (.apk file) by tapping Install in the Google PlayStore.

Open the G DATA VPN app you have just installed and log in with the username and password of your G DATA licence.

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VPN Android Anmeldung
If you do not yet have G DATA access data, you can activate your registration number here.

③ Select your desired server (the default setting is always the fastest server) and tap CONNECT. Confirm the following connection request with OK.

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VPN Android Verbinden
Connect G DATA VPN
VPN Android Verbindungsanfrage
Connection request

DONE! You are now connected via VPN and the server location and your public IP address, which disguises your actual IP address, are displayed.

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VPN Android Verbunden
Connection via G DATA VPN for Android