How do I enter my credentials on my Android device?

This article shows you how to enter the username and password in G DATA Mobile Security Android.

Entering credentials when software is installed

In the event of certain events, such as changing the password, it may be necessary to re-enter your credentials in the G DATA Mobile Security Android app.

License errors


In this case, tap on Account settings or open the settings of your G DATA Mobile Security Android any other way.

License invalid


In the settings, tap on G DATA account to access the Account settings.



Now enter your current credentials for the license you are using and then tap on Connect.

Account settings


You should now be fully protected again.

Entering credentials during the initial installation


Open the G DATA Mobile Security Android app.


If you need to authorize yourself in the app, tap on Log in with access data on the start screen.

You may have to authorize yourself, for example, when you start the app for the first time or if you have changed your password.

Enter credentials


Enter your user name and password. Then tap on Log in.

Enter credentials


The app will start and you can now use it.