G DATA 365 | Managed XDR

Role management

Roles define which set of permissions are required for users to fulfill the tasks assigned to them. Roles reflect how responsibilities are organized in your company.

For example, it may be sufficient to simply create another administrator role with all permissions in addition to the IT Operation Manager. This can be assigned to one or more users who all have the same responsibilities.

However, it is often sensible and necessary to separate responsibilities.

For example, it is possible to create a role that only has permission to manage users, organisationl units and roles, but not to see the endpoints and recommended actions.Another role can be created so that the role owner may edit endpoints and see recommended actions, but not manage users or roles.

During the Kick-off, our G DATA Security Operations Team will advise you on how to model the best role structure for you.

Control within the portal

G DATA 365 | Managed XDR role management

Create roles

You can create a new role using the + New Role button (see screenshot). The window for assigning the permissions for the new role opens.

Edit roles

If you want to change the permissions of a role, click in the line of the role to be edited on the edit symbol (Edit role).

Delete roles

If you want to delete a role, click on the delete symbol (Delete role) in the line of the role to be deleted.

Roles that you want to delete must no longer be assigned to a user. During the deletion process, the users affected be assigned a new role.

G DATA 365 | Managed XDR role management

Sort or filter roles.

You can sort the roles by "role" or "note".

If you want to see all roles within an organizational unit, there is a separate filter function for this purpose (see screenshot).