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Configuration of G DATA AntiVirus für Nextcloud

You can find the G DATA AntiVirus für Nextcloud configuration page in the administration settings under the G DATA Verdict-as-a-Service item.

G DATA AntiVirus für Nextcloud Administration settings


G DATA AntiVirus für Nextcloud Configuration

Open the configuration page of Verdict-as-a-Service.


Authentication Method

Use this to set the authentication method with which the G DATA plugin should connect to Verdict-as-a-Service.

Either with a generated link: username and password (Resource Owner Password Flow)


with a client ID and a client secret (client credentials flow).

If you are already a Verdict-as-a-Service OnPremise customer, you will have the client ID and client secret.


Username/Client ID

Enter your username or client ID here.


Passwort/Client Secret

Enter your password or client secret here.


Quarantine folder

Please specify the directory to which infected files should be moved.

A Quarantine directory is automatically provided. This folder was created when G DATA AntiVirus für Nextcloud was activated. At this point, you can specify a different directory if you do not want to use the proposed quarantine folder.

Moving infected files to the quarantine directory ensures that these files are not accessed by mistake. Since authorized users could still download these files, do not use directories that are known and shared by all users for the quarantine.


Scan only this

If you do not want all your files to be scanned, you can specify a list of files here to limit the scans to those files (whitelist mode).

The following can be specified:

  • Complete paths

  • Individual directory names

  • Individual file names

  • File extensions

Please separate multiple entries with commas.

Wildcards are not supported.


Do not scan this

If you do not want all your files to be scanned, you can specify a list of files here to exclude those files from being scanned (Blacklist-Modus).

The following can be specified:

  • Complete paths

  • Individual directory names

  • Individual file names

  • File extensions

Please separate multiple entries with commas.

Wildcards are not supported.


Notify Mails

If you want one or more individuals to be notified by e-mail about the files detected and quarantined, enter the recipients' e-mail addresses here. Multiple e-mail addresses should be separated by commas.

This notification e-mail is also sent when someone tries to upload an infected file.
The use of the “Scan only this” and “Do not scan this” settings should be used with caution.
Using these settings, bad actors can upload and distribute malicious content through the Nextcloud instance. It is recommended to carefully evaluate the implications of these settings and use them in a way that does not jeopardize the security of your systems and data.

Erweitere Einstellungen

Documentation will be available in a timely manner.